Morning devotion

Morning devotion as a Parent

Morning devotion should be taken seriously in homes.
And today's morning devotion went well and we did read the bible on creation story....we were just marvelling about the power of God and some questions came up while we were sharing,its on Gen 1:11 and 1:16 & 17

11.Then he commanded. "Let the earth produce all Kinds of plants,those that bear grain and those that bear fruit" and it was done....
How come we have nuts?
You may not know,that nuts(cashew nut,groundnut,palm kernel,coco nut)are gotten from fruits.God is all knowing.

16.So God made the two larger lights, the sun to rule over the day and the moon to rule over the  night,he also made stars.
The stars are for what purpose?

Verse17 answers the question on the purpose of stars.....He placed the lights in the sky to shine on the earth.(to beautify)

In a nut shell,children will always be children,they will ask all manner of questions. What this is telling us, is we should get acquainted with our bible,so we dont look like we don't know the faith we are supposedly to teach our children, or we don't find ourselves in situations where we lie or shun them. Make it more interesting from home for them, as you explain.

Moments with God.


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