

WHAT IS HEPATITIS? Hepatitis is simply defined as the inflammation of the liver, sometimes caused by an uncontrolled growth of harmful organisms in a host. There are 5 types, Hepatitis A-E : A- is gotten from contaminated food/water. B- is gotten from contact with blood, semen, vaginal secretion. C- is gotten through the same route as B. D- can't multiply without B. E- from contaminated water/food. You can vaccinate against B You can also vaccinate against  Hepatitis A and also note the following: Don't share toothbrushes. Practice safe sex. Wash your hands often. Wash food items properly. Don't share sharp objects  e.g. clippers, razors. Drink clean treated water from trusted sources. You can vaccinate against B but here are some Interesting facts about Hepatitis B Virus. - It can be gotten from infected blood, semen and other body fluids, even sweat. - Most people who get it as kids or babies will have it for life. - Up to 90% of people who get


Where? Where is that place one feels freedom is a dream? And people will always be people. The past could change some present into a sacred ground, no one walked. It then becomes wiser to accept, adjust and survive. Instead of crying and melting away into nothing. Mind and emotions still boils. Dwelling on something's, raises doubts that torments. Being by yourself, isn't heaven at all. Not when there are so many demons to keep one company. Smiling is just on the face not the heart. Many more things are still needful. Independence day just passed. #freeSowore.


         It feels good to be back here, a lot has happened between now and my last post. A new phase has just began for this noble blogger. It went from relocating, settling down, job hunting and then marriage. Tied the knot January 19, 2019. And here  we are.     A very big thank you goes to God and well wishers who were around for the big day. May his love never depart from your homes. Amen. I wish myself a happy home with great children and great minds to surround me. AMEN.     How has it been with you dear readers? I appreciate you all for being there. May the year 2019 be a productive one for us all. Amen.bbh

The Enslaved, Perceived, Discounted Beings.

   The enslaved, perceived, discounted beings, are those being under our care, that we treat like trash, like they don't matter. Those house helps, drivers, cleaners, paid workers, foster children you maltreat, you look down on, are all perceived discounted beings.    The above attitude towards those we ought to care for cut across the globe. You will discover as you read the extract below....between Nick and an Indian officers in his book "half the sky...." As Nick filed out some required paper work at the border post, Nepalis streamed into India without filling out a form. While sitting in the border shack, he began talking with one Indian officer. The man said he has been dispatched by the intelligent bureau to monitor the border. Nick :- So, what exactly are you monitoring? Officer :- We are looking for terrorist or terror supplies, and we are looking for smuggled or pirated goods, if we find them, we confiscate them. Nick :- What about trafficked girls?are yo

Parents being alive to responsibilities.

Tips on how to live responsibilities... Be faithful to God and his status. Be time conscious. Be respectful and humble. Picture yourself in your children. Your children don't remind you of late school fees. Your children don't report issues to you, because the other party failed to keep to promise. You earn their trust, build their trust in you(you become their diary). You sow into your family, you reap what you sow(Eli a good example). You teach undiluted honesty. You monitor your children's spending(you know about every cash on them). You don't cage your children. You are a role model. And lastly, be the cook, nurse, banker, cleaner, teacher, wife and mother.

One good turn deserves what it get...

You ain't good because you want people to be good to you. You are good because you want your good to affect people positively. You are good because you want to be. You are good because that's you, and that makes you real. You don't expect people to be good to you, because you were good to them, like this, you don't get hurt, just expect people to be who they are...when they are good to you because you were good to them, then its not genuine, they are only paying back or pretending to be good. If you don't expect people to be good to you because you were good to them, like this, you don't get hurt or disappointed, especially by friends. Do good knowing your reward don't have to come from the same person, hope its real. Let the law of doing good be inborn, let it come from within. One good turn deserves what it get....

Morning devotion

Morning devotion as a Parent Morning devotion should be taken seriously in homes. And today's morning devotion went well and we did read the bible on creation story....we were just marvelling about the power of God and some questions came up while we were sharing,its on Gen 1:11 and 1:16 & 17 11.Then he commanded. "Let the earth produce all Kinds of plants,those that bear grain and those that bear fruit" and it was done.... How come we have nuts? You may not know,that nuts(cashew nut,groundnut,palm kernel,coco nut)are gotten from fruits.God is all knowing. 16.So God made the two larger lights, the sun to rule over the day and the moon to rule over the  night,he also made stars. The stars are for what purpose? Verse17 answers the question on the purpose of stars.....He placed the lights in the sky to shine on the earth.(to beautify) In a nut shell,children will always be children,they will ask all manner of questions. What this is telling us, is we should