The Enslaved, Perceived, Discounted Beings.

   The enslaved, perceived, discounted beings, are those being under our care, that we treat like trash, like they don't matter. Those house helps, drivers, cleaners, paid workers, foster children you maltreat, you look down on, are all perceived discounted beings.
   The above attitude towards those we ought to care for cut across the globe. You will discover as you read the extract below....between Nick and an Indian officers in his book "half the sky...."

As Nick filed out some required paper work at the border post, Nepalis streamed into India without filling out a form. While sitting in the border shack, he began talking with one Indian officer. The man said he has been dispatched by the intelligent bureau to monitor the border.

Nick :- So, what exactly are you monitoring?
Officer :- We are looking for terrorist or terror supplies, and we are looking for smuggled or pirated goods, if we find them, we confiscate them.
Nick :- What about trafficked girls?are you keeping an eye on them? there must be alot.
Officer :- Oh, a lot. But we don't worry about them. There's nothing you can do about them.
Nick :- Well, you could arrest the traffickers. Isn't traffickinHegirls as important as pirating DVDs?

  The intelligent officer laughed genially and threw up his hands. "Prostitution is inevitable." He chuckled. "There has always been prostitition in every country. And what's a young man going to do from the time when he turns eighteen until when he gets married at thirty?"

Nick :- Well, its the best solution really to kidnap Nepalis girls and imprison them in Indian brothels?
Officer :- He shrugged unperturbed. "Its unfortunate", he agreed."These girls are sacrificed so that we can have harmony in the Society. So that good girls can be safe."
Nick :- "But many of the Nepalis girls been trafficked are good girls."
Officer :- Oh, yes, but those are peasant girls.
 They can't even read. They are from the country side. The good Indian middle-class girls are safe."

   Nick who had been gritting his teeth, offered an explosive suggestion: "I've got it! You know, in the United States we have a lot of problem with harmony in the society. So we should start kidnapping Indian middle-class girls and forcing them to work in  brothels in the United States! The young American men could have fun, too, don't you think? That would improve our harmony in the society! "
   There was an ominous silence, but finally the police officer roared with laughter.  '' You are joking!" the officer said, beaming. "That's very funny!"
 Nick gave up.

   For those still trying to justify their act. If your definition of care is injurious or harzardous to the human person, then you are not safe nor saved. You care less. This goes to those who over use people under them as a means to an end.

    For some people who do it right, who are not guilty of the above, I say kudos to you, more power to your elbow. Care can also mean speaking out against those who are not doing the right thing, exposing them and correcting them will help,  rather than keeping quiet or being indifferent.

   Conclusively, in an advisory capacity, i will say, lets give help when it matters, especially to those who can't repay us, treat people right because what goes around  often comes around, I will also say, that helping people could be difficult and unpredictable, but, not impossible.
My take.


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